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Steering Committee (elected 11/5/23):

Denny Zane, Co-Chair
Michael Soloff, Co-Chair
Craig Ali
Kay Ambriz
Maria Cortez
Patricia Hoffman
Jennifer Kennedy
Cristina Navarro
Ellis Raskin
Linda Sullivan
Sonya Sultan
Michael Tarbet

SMRR Statement of Purpose – Since 1979

SMRR is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the unique quality of life for all residents in the City of Santa Monica. In order to achieve this goal, we resolve:

1. To support and defend local rent control laws.
2. To run campaigns to elect progressive candidates to local offices.
3. To support progressive public officials and promote accountability to the public by public officials.
4. To open the democratic process to all citizens without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or political belief.
5. To seek to improve social services including child care and services for the elderly.
6. To improve and increase open space.
7. To support planned growth while protecting neighborhoods from overdevelopment.
8. To increase and improve access to affordable housing for persons of limited income.
9. To enhance the safety of residents and reduce crime.
10. To increase public participation in government by supporting community organizations.
11. To support efforts to ensure a safe and clean environment.
12. To improve the educational opportunities for all age levels.
13. To support human rights including reproductive rights.


SMRR – Leadership for a Special City

A History of People Coming First

In the 1970’s, Santa Monica fell victim to the amazing Los Angeles Real Estate boom. Speculation in apartment buildings was brisk and condo conversions hit the city in force. The Santa Monica City Council turned a deaf ear to the pleas of tenants as skyrocketing rents forces may out of their homes.

In response to the crisis, tenants, neighborhood groups, and local political organizations joined forces in 1978 to form Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights (SMRR).

Rent Control Wins!

On April 10, 1979, SMRR wins passage of the Strongest rent control law in the country and elects two persons to the Santa Monica City Council.

Protection of Rent Control

SMRR elected officials insure that the City of Santa Monica’s legal staff defends the rent control law from constant landlord attacks. On nine separate occasions, our rent control law has been upheld at the state appellate and supreme court levels.

In local elections, SMRR defeated landlord propositions Q and M, and in Sacramento SMRR has lobbied successfully against legislation which would have destroyed Santa Monica Rent Control.


SMRR is tough on development. SMRR has long been a leading voice for smart, responsible growth in Santa Monica.