Support Renters’ Rights: Join today, renew your annual dues, or make a donation!
Donate and Come to the Oct. 4th Party! To make donation and come to the October 4th Dance and Party, enter the amount you wish to donate below (a $50 donation is suggested), and then click the donate button and you will be taken to our payment processor where you can use a credit card to complete the donation. No one will be turned away for lack of a donation. If you cannot attend the Party but wish to donate, please enter the amount you wish to donate below, and then click the donate button and you will be taken to our payment processor where you can use a credit card to complete the donation. Thank you!
Join SMRR Today: Annual membership dues are $35/person or more per calendar year ($15/person limited income). To become a member, please enter the amount you wish to donate and click the Donate button to complete your payment at our payment processor. (Anyone who makes a membership payment in the month of December will be a member for the following year.)
Renew Your Annual Dues: Dues are $35/person per calendar year ($15/person limited income). To renew your existing membership, enter the amount you wish to donate and click the Donate button to complete your payment at our payment processor. Donations over $35 are welcome and will help support our year-round Tenant Hotline and our renters’ rights outreach in our community. (Anyone who makes a membership payment in the month of December will be a member for the following year.)
Make a Donation: Whether or not you are a dues-paying member, you can make a donation to SMRR in any amount. You can also make recurring monthly donations to become a sustaining member. To donate less than, or more than, the cost of a membership, or to set up recurring monthly donations, enter the amount you wish to donate and click the Donate button to complete your payment at our payment processor. To become a sustaining member, please check the box that says “Make this a monthly donation”. A sustaining membership provides all the benefits of membership and helps us to plan, organize, and do more for you and our community!
Join, Renew or Donate Online Here
We are required by California law to collect your Occupation and Employer for donations of $100 or more per year.
Yes, you can write a check! You can join, renew your annual dues, make a donation, or make recurring monthly donations with your own checks or Bill Pay service, if you do not wish to pay online. Please make checks or money orders payable to SMRR (no cash please) and mail to: SMRR, 2118 Wilshire Blvd., # 832, Santa Monica, CA 90403.
Your payment means that you support SMRR’s Statement of Purpose (below).
Thank you for your support!
Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes.
FPPC ID# 790178

SMRR Statement of Purpose – Since 1979
SMRR is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the unique quality of life for all residents in the City of Santa Monica. In order to achieve this goal, we resolve:
1. To support and defend local rent control laws.
2. To run campaigns to elect progressive candidates to local offices.
3. To support progressive public officials and promote accountability to the public by public officials.
4. To open the democratic process to all citizens without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or political belief.
5. To seek to improve social services including child care and services for the elderly.
6. To improve and increase open space.
7. To support planned growth while protecting neighborhoods from overdevelopment.
8. To increase and improve access to affordable housing for persons of limited income.
9. To enhance the safety of residents and reduce crime.
10. To increase public participation in government by supporting community organizations.
11. To support efforts to ensure a safe and clean environment.
12. To improve the educational opportunities for all age levels.
13. To support human rights including reproductive rights.
View The SMRR Platform
Paid for by Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights (SMRR)
FPPC ID #790178
2118 Wilshire Blvd. #832, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.