By Patricia Hoffman, SMRR Co-Chair
In this newsletter we have articles from our newly elected candidates so that they can tell you a little bit more about themselves and the job to which they were elected. We have also asked the newly re-elected candidates to say something to you. All of the officials elected with the help of SMRR have expressed gratitude to you, their core constituency, for your help in electing them.
Our City Council incumbents who were re-elected with your help had this to say. Gleam Davis wrote, “Although we face many challenges, I look forward to working with my colleagues to keep Santa Monica a forward-looking city that is safe, livable, healthy, well-educated, and economically and culturally diverse.” Terry O’Day added that he is “thankful to the SMRR volunteers who earned our victory and proud to carry their trust and interests with me throughout my term on City Council.”
Our three Board of Education members were re-elected after facing a challenge from a strong slate of candidates from Malibu. As Ben Allen put it, “Serving on the school board during these difficult times has been a challenge, but also a great honor. With the economy picking up and a whole set of new innovative initiatives that we’re pushing through, I think that the school district is in a strong place to grow and thrive in the years ahead. We’re so grateful to the community for its continuing support that allows our school system to shine!” Maria Leon Vazquez had this to say, “As the SMMUSD Board moves forward with the implementation of Districtwide fundraising, we will appreciate SMRR leadership and support to assist us in promoting this great endeavor in the community.”
Jose Escarce had this to say, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue serving the community as a school board member, and thank SMMR for its support. This year I am looking forward to working with the superintendent, my board colleagues and our staff as we strive to continue to improve the education our students receive.”
Ilse Rosenstein ran as an appointed incumbent to the Rent Control Board. She wanted you to know that her, “…primary concern is to maintain, despite the continuing assaults, the protections that the Rent Control law provides for the people of Santa Monica and to have a budget sufficient to provide the necessary services.”
I want to personally thank each of you for also passing Measure GA. The Measure originated at the Rent Control Board where they determined that by changing the formula on which the General Adjustment was made each year they could save staff time and administrative costs. They also thought that it would add greater clarity and simplicity for both tenants and landlords alike. While everyone else ignored the Measure, SMRR carried it on all of our literature and it won overwhelmingly.
Thank you all for your on-going support and keeping SMRR strong as an organization. Thanks you also for maintaining strong, progressive leadership in Santa Monica.